Frio Aereo's Achievements 


    There is no doubt teamwork has given us greatest satisfaction among the years that we have been operating. All of this is due to a group of people made up of Frío Aéreo members, ADEX, the public sector that relied on the project as Prompex, the Ministry of Agriculture, the National Police, Customs, Corpac, the private sector as cargo and customs agencies, storage terminals, ramp servers, and foreign agencies such as american customs, DEA, Aphis, American Chambers of Commerce, German, Dutch, among others. This is how we were able to obtain the following distinctions:


    COEALAC: In October 18th, 2016 we have been part of the Confederation of Authorized Economic Operators of Latin America, Spain and the Caribbean (COEALAC). This guild, founded in 2012, facilitates and generates synergies between the different OEA companies and brings together to represent their interests before the customs authorities of the world.





    BETTER MANAGEMENT IN THE ENVIROMENT AND OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH: In June 2016, for the third consecutive year, we have been awarded the prize for best operator of the Jorge Chavez International Airport (AIJCh) in the management of Environment, Safety and Occupational Health. This only confirms the solidity and consistency of our commitment to the environment, as well as to occupational safety and health; Being the engine for the materialization of this commitment the human team that conforms our organization, without which such recognition would not be possible.




    OEA: In the search for continuous improvement and, above all, the official recognition of our quality as a Safe Operator in the logistics chain, is that in december 2014 we concluded our accreditation process as an Authorized Economic Operator (OAS) through the National Superintendency Customs and Tax Administration (SUNAT) being the first air temporary deposit to be credited. This accreditation proves that Frío Aéreo not only ensures compliance with regulations, efficient logistics system and adequate safety level, but also guarantees that we comply with the safety criteria seted by all the customs in the world.



    We apreciate the organizations for the distinctions received and at the same time renew our commitment to achieve an increasingly organized industry, safer and better international market positioning for the benefit of peruvian export products.

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